“the network player by which all others should be judged.” (Lumin A1) — Computer Audiophile.
“…le Lumïn S1 s’est révélé extrêmement attrayant et captivant. Il s’impose ainsi désormais comme ma nouvelle référence en tant que source dématérialisée de très haut de gamme, et cela appelle tout naturellement un Grand Frisson… Bravo ! ” — Audiophile magazine.
“…my new digital reference …the most exciting audio experience I’ve yet had.” (Lumin A1) — 6 moons.com
“I strongly recommend it to all music lovers and to all vinyl fans, because D1 style is very similar to this of a truly analogue source. …I think the point is to have as much pleasure from listening to music as possible. And Lumin D1 provides this 100%.” (Lumin D1) — Stereophile
“Appareil de grande classe, unique en son genre puisque pouvant lire sur réseau Ethernet des fichiers numérique DSD en plus des fichiers PCM jusqu’à 32 bits à 384 kHz, …la réalisation et les prestations sonores qu’il délivre sont du domaine de l’exception, et plus encore avec les fichiers en haute résolution et DSD. Un Qobuzissime incontestable.” (Lumin A1) — Qobuz
“…it’s an exceptional £5,000 network player, for £1,600.” (Lumin D1) — Hi-Fi+
“It’s the only all-in one device I know of that is able to compete with a high-end chain for a fraction of its cost.” (Lumin M1) — 6 moons.com
“Its soundstaging and imaging capabilities surpass anything I have heard in the digital domain. At the same time the Lumïn S1 delivers an enormously appealing and involving musical presentation which will become my new reference as a still affordable digital front-end to consequently demand a Blue Moon award.” — 6 moons.com
“The Lumin (D1) weds digital’s traditional strengths (low noise, linearity, and absence of background noise) to many of analog’s defining qualities (fluidity of presentation, overall coherence, musical flow, air and transparency) in ways that I have never experienced before. …sublimely amalgamates detail retrieval with musical warmth, micro-dynamic sophistication with macro-dynamic crunch, and digital’s inherent noiselessness with analog’s sheer fluidity, openness and naturalness. The result is utterly breathtaking.” — Positive Feedback.